Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Since the September 11th attack Americans all across the country have wanted nothing but change and closure fromt he appalling event that effected millions of lives. On November 13,2010 the Washington Post Headlined: "Opposition to United states trial likely to keep mastermind of 9/11 attacks in detention." After reading,John Hinderaker posts "Vindicated Again" with the decisions and actions that were taken from our former leader Bush, that did very little to satisfy our need of closure with his "solution" of detention rather then execution, the ultimate punishment. Hinderaker acknowledges the action against Khalid Sheik Mohammed, (the proclaimed master-mind of the 9/11 attack) that many wish to happen eventually; the ceasing of existance for the one that has devestated coutless numbers of relationships and friendships that no longer exist. The author is attracting those that have went throught the sorrow and agony, and also the ones who had to watch such a disasterous even happen in American history, and living with the fear that it may happen again. This post is directed towards those seeking the vengeance from losing their child, or spouse, or parent. Hinderaker is simply giving us an eye on how our government is handling the life of the individual who gave us one of the most memorable days of our lives.

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