Tuesday, November 23, 2010

American Pie

It is ironic to have read my colleagues post about our candidates and the route they are taking to boast themselves up by putting their fellow competitors down. Everyday I watch how these grown men and women get on national television and put down their competition instead of spending that time they have to tell us, the ones who will be evaluating them, what is so good about themselves.

The only thing that I can say by watching these commercials about these particular candidates are that they are like children. Competeing of off the "he said", "she said", high school drama that was supposed to be over with years ago. What we see during the commericals can effect every little bit of their chances of winning the position that they are going for. If I am flipping on the television and all I remember about you is how you talked so bad about your competition in front of the entire country, I am definately going for the underdog. It would be nice to hear what that person would be able to do for me, to benefit my life. I could care less about how your competition cheated on his/her spouse or partied in Hawaii instead of creating commercials to do exactly what your doing now.

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