Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My United States Government

Growing up, I never paid much attention or took the initiative to have the government and politics play any kind of important role in my life. Honestly, I never could really get a tight grasp on the terms and flow of how our government works. I still have yet to get a good understanding ont he concept of it all. There are a few milestones and inquiries I have always obtained from past government classes, newsletters, or documentaries on televeision. Such as, why are there so many Americans so quick to discourage and put down our Politcial Leaders who are only trying to better our communities and our lives. If we go against them, what good will that do? There has also always been that peripheral vision of corruption. We may not be able to see it so clearly, but we difinately know it is there. It is a society of competition and control. A race as to who will be able to enforce the rules, and create the rules.
Unfortunately, the United States government will undoubtedly always be a majoy role in all of our lives, it will decide how much money our students will be able to recieve for college, how much we pay for taxes, and the interest rates applied! It is up to us to make that difference we are searching for. At this time, there are those out there that are giving up on the government and deciding not to participate in functions and political gatherings that may make that change we are seeking. In the end, it all seems to come back to us and the decisions we are making in our every day lives.

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