Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

         On Friday, September 10, 2010 CNN informed the world on an incredible improvement to our history. That Thursday, September 9th, a federal court in Riverside, California ruled the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy-which limits gay men and lesbians from serving openly, unconstitutional. "It was demonstrated that the dont ask, don't tell act violates the fifth and first amenments,"- Virginia Phillips.
        The act discriminates based on the content of the speech being regulated and distinguishes between speech regarding sexual orientation and inevitably, family relation and daily activities. Gay and lesbian troops and veterans have hailed the announcment of the Pentagon and White House signaling their intention to end the don't ask, don't tell policy, with congressional approval. This is a prodigious step in United States history and should be recognized by others so that they as well can view through their own views and thoughts the changes in our history that are occuring. This includes the sight of segregation and discrimination fading more into the forgotton than it already has. these are the moments that were considered the future, the days that people thought would never come.

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